Friday, March 10, 2006

Langkawi ...there's so much things to explore...

Langkawi is a very popular place to visit. There are so many things you can explore while you spend your holiday at Langkawi. You can choose from shopping, relaxing, island hoping, sunbathing…etc.

To reach Langkawi, you have 2 choices; traveling by ferry from Kuala Perlis, Kuala Kedah or Penang, or by flight from your respective places. If you choose to travel by ferry, your first destination will be the Kuah Jetty at Kuah Town. But, if you choose to travel by flight, you will land at Padang Matsirat, nearby Pantai Chenang.

Once you reach Kuah, you can have your meals at several restaurants there. One of them is Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), or “mamak” restaurants…but I forgot the restaurant’s name…sorry… Since the jetty is linked with Jetty Point, the shopping paradise in the legendary island, you can also do your shopping here…There’s a lot to shop…especially… CHOCOLATE… yum…yum…I like to buy chocolate here because the price is cheaper than Kuala Lumpur…or any other places in Malaysia…So…don’t hurry to buy your stock of chocolate here…erm…I think perfume is also cheap here…Check it out! But, please….don’t over-budget…hehehe…

After finished shopping and dining, walk to front of Jetty Point building, and you will see a giant eagle’s replica. That is EAGLE SQUARE (Dataran Lang), as shown in the above photo. Langkawi offers visitors with so much excitement from its places to its food.

Let this blog entry become an introduction to Langkawi Island. If I want to explain all places of attraction in one entry….hehehe…I’m afraid you will get tired reading a long…long… story about Langkawi. It is better for me stop here…I’ll continue to write more about the treasure island soon. So, please be patient friends…I’ll update you about other places of attraction in Langkawi Island such as Underwater World, Langkawi Cable Car (as shown in the photo below), Legendary Heritage…and more…from time to time….

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